
hi guys,
Ive been looking at other threads but cant seem to get the answer im looking for.
Ive got a 2002 p38 4.6. Has a leaky heater matrix, going to get it fixed in the new year. What antifreeze should i put in, mines pink at the moment, saw someone say comma g48 so i bought some comma xstream g48, but this is a greenish colour, obviously i cant mix them, just wanted to know is the g48 stuff i bought the correct one? If it is how difficult is it to flush the coolant and replace it with this g48? Bearing in mind im a one armed bandit at the moment due to a broken upper arm. Would i be able to do it myself?

Many thanks
What's the point if your matrix is leaking? sure its not the O rings? get it sorted before you're in a world of pain.:)
Well i took it to my local LR specialist and he put the dye in and said it was heater matrix, dashboard out to change, and im off work at the mo so not in a place to spend money like that. Dont really use it much atm anyway, just wanted to make sure there was enough antifreeze in it to protect it from the elements as ive put a a couple of litres of just water in it to keep it topped up. Unless you know what antifreeze i should buy to put in with the exisiting one?
you could change the O rings yourself mate really isnt that hard to do. took me about 5 hours from start to finish. Read up on it and give it ago. Whats your LR garage qouted?

Did my O rings in a couple of hours think it cost me 50 pence oh not counting the cracked wind screen after my mate bashed it with his elbow lol

Oh pink stuff is what you want
Ok cheers guys! Ill read up on it, garage said about £400, also the passenger side heater is blowing cold, and the garage said dashboard out to change that too?
Tell me where you are and I'll do it for £300 lol honestly keep your penny's for when something you can't do very easily goes wrong
Ok cheers guys! Ill read up on it, garage said about £400, also the passenger side heater is blowing cold, and the garage said dashboard out to change that too?
Passenger side cold is a blend motor, one of the easier ones to get at i believe, dash ot not required.
Leak as others have said is likely to be O rings, fiddly job and a bugger if the retaining screw is corroded, but can be done without the dash out, took me just over 2 hours.:)
Cheers! Well im off work until february so im sure ill be able to do it even if it takes me a couple of days! Any make o rings do? Or are there a specific brand?
Cheers! Well im off work until february so im sure ill be able to do it even if it takes me a couple of days! Any make o rings do? Or are there a specific brand?
Any make, but you can get the correct ones from Island 4 x 4 or Wammers will tell you to by a pack of 380 assorted sizes for £2.50 and sort out the ones you need yourself;)
Considering it is a Range Rover and at some point in the very near, you will have to drain it out to either:

Fix a leak, fix something else but have to drain the cooling system, realise you have an air lock and burp most of it out again....

I always go for the cheapest I can find!!!

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