Seeing as ive got to change the gearbox on the landy im going to change the engine while im at it. Anyone done this conversion? if so, any tips? Ive got the link to the engineering firm that does it but they recommend taking off the turbo, is this really for the best?
unless you've got plenty of money to spend on replacing drivetrain components, or a very light right foot - take it off
The Series box in good nick will take about 150ft/lb of torque. This is a little short of the 200ft/lb that the 20TDi makes.....however that is peak torque.

I know of a number of Series LRs running 200Tdi with turbo and Series box and they are more than happy with it.

IMO taking the turbo off is a bit of a waste.
that's just what a usually tired and under maintained 20+ year old gearbox and transmission system needs - a kick up the arse with 180ft/lb ish of torque

get yer spanners warmed up
that's just what a usually tired and under maintained 20+ year old gearbox and transmission system needs - a kick up the arse with 180ft/lb ish of torque

get yer spanners warmed up

Dunnpo wot yu complaining about, Sean - i thort yu were flogging gearboxes? :p:behindsofa:
i may or may not have slipped into the conversation the fact that i have a recently reconditioned (by LR) disco GB not doing much :)

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