Robint's got a set of em on his disco. He seems happy as a pig in the dung heap wiv em. Send him a pm or mug him when he comes online.;)
you dont need to extend any thing im useing them on my disco at the moment with no problems the hardest part was releasing the old nuts underneath the spring base make sure if you do it to oil at least 1 week before fitting them and make sure you have a good set of spring commpressors
you dont need to extend any thing im useing them on my disco at the moment with no problems the hardest part was releasing the old nuts underneath the spring base make sure if you do it to oil at least 1 week before fitting them and make sure you have a good set of spring commpressors

ere?.....are you stalking me or summit?;) :D :D :D

evening Robin:)
robin - have yu ever allowed yu axle to drop until it is hanging? try it and see wot yo brake lines are like :eek:.
robin - have yu ever allowed yu axle to drop until it is hanging? try it and see wot yo brake lines are like :eek:.

ahhhh now yes your right........... but i was assumming this was just being used for green laneing not axle twister off roading .... what i/we do it copes well enough just with the plates on ...........

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