
New Member
Hi all

On a 1986 90 which has a 2" lift when i come off the throttle i have a really bad vibration/grouching noise coming from the back of the landy

When accererating there is no vibration or noise at all but as soon as i lift of the throttle to change gear or just slow down i get this loud harsh vibration !!

The rear prop look fairly new and in good condition

I have heard some 90's have problems whena 2" lift is fitted causing diff bearings to fail.

Where go i start guys anyone had this sort of problems ??

Many thanks Chris
my 90 does the same thing has for a long time. on mine its the prop splines. i know its this because i have changed the diff for a new truetrac and shafts, changed the transfer box and the prop has 2 new uj's on so its the only thing left. The old prop did it then i bent it so made a new one (shorter due to disco box) and the splines are getting worn again now so time for a new one soon. 300bhp eats them for fun!
aha...ok, the splines between the props i got it! They need to be offfset at 45deg so the weighting on the uj's don't harmonise and cause a vibe!

I had to replace a prop coz there was about a nanometer of play between teh splines, it created a grinding noise at about 50! (as opposed to the rumbling of **** ujs!)
aha...ok, the splines between the props i got it! They need to be offfset at 45deg so the weighting on the uj's don't harmonise and cause a vibe!

I had to replace a prop coz there was about a nanometer of play between teh splines, it created a grinding noise at about 50! (as opposed to the rumbling of **** ujs!)

not always... my front prop is aligned like this ]-------

llike you said. But, both my rear ones (old and new) align like this ]--------[ and dnt vibrate.

Well, the old one did cos it had play in the splines.
not always... my front prop is aligned like this ]-------

llike you said. But, both my rear ones (old and new) align like this ]--------[ and dnt vibrate.

Well, the old one did cos it had play in the splines.

Boydy - unless i misunderstood your linediags - you have shown the front prop aligned 90 deg out - not 45 as OD says.
you have a good point. remove the 'like you said' bit, and it makes sense - and both my props align in ways different to how he said!
****. i might be mistaken and the booze mighta gon ter me ed but ... wot???
yu sed yo props are aligned 45 degrees out.
he said his are aligned 90 degrees and in-line, respectively.
so why int e getting a wobble then? Duz e kno more than Mr Landy, who initially spent millions (presumably) on the decision to offset them?
as far as i know, my props are original as the left the factory.

I int tryin to be smart, i noticed the other day when i put my new rear one on, that they were aligned like that, thought it a bit odd meself.

Made some enquiries, and tried it on the road, it appears to be all fine.

Hoest Guvna! It was an experience of my own, not bein smart at all!
Rear propshafts are to be aligned, this is bacause of the suspension setup Landyshave.

The Front Propshaft should be out of alignment by 2 splines (I believe) in a certain orientation because the front diff nose (the part you bolt your propshaft to, diff input flange) is running at 22 degrees to true. This 22 degrees is for steering geometry and is built into the desgin. When you fit a lift kit/springs you are altering its normal ride height or designed ride height and because the front suspension has 2 fixed fixing points you are therefore pivoting the front axle around its radius on the radius arms and are therfore tilting the diff nose at a greater angle than 22 degrees. The rear is not so bad due to its suspsnsion setup. Its single pivioting radius arm mounting point and A frame setup the diff nose still stays in a very similar angle to that of the designed angle well on a 2 inch lift anyway. Land Rover had to put the splines out of phase on the front because of its great atriculation and because its normal ride height dictated that moving the front propshafts out of phase cured vibrations and binding at full articulation. When you lift your vehicle you have to consider these things carfully and mabe expect to pay for wide angled propshafts or put up with the vibs. Yes alot of us have got away with standard propshafts and a 2 inch lift but alot more people have not. Jai
I had a huge vibration prob when I bought my 90 , dived under it when i got it home and saw that the front prop yokes where not aligned , so I took it off and aligned the yokes together and the vibration disapeard ......

from reading the posts , looks like some of you dont have that prob with them being slightly out of true

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