
New Member
Now, i posted about these somewhere else back in january....

".....Coords - start / end (assuming going south to north)

BOAT 1 - 'Water break its neck'(waterfall) ref: SO187/596 & ending at SO157/655 - This has 'yet another' extended TRO......1st was a WW2 bomb, then immediately following on from that was 'essential repairs'.....then, and currently, a further extension of 'essential' repairs - Notice states until May 2010....THIS APPLIES TO ALL TRAFFIC extended from the Nov 2009 previous notice.

BOAT 2 - Starts at 'Moelfre city' ref SO119/755 & ends at SO119/813 - This again has been subject to many TROs - current posted notice was for 'essential' repairs and closed for the safety...but, THIS ONLY APPLIES TO MECHANICALLY PROPELLED TRAFFIC - apparently, horses/riders/cyclists/walkers are immune to the dangers and do not effect the works. This TRO notice stated Nov 2009, but the remains a huge chain & padlock on the gate....."

Update from Jan 01 2011 - Both still closed....

BOAT 1 - Updated sign to middle of Dec 2010....quite a complicated set of regulations on it....some parts closed to ALL, other parts pedestrians only, others will allow peds, bikes & horses.

When i drove this lane some years ago, it was pretty easy and could have been driven in standard any LR - there were no wash outs or gullies or even what you might call deep there something more to this constant 'temporary' TRO....???

BOAT 2 - This one again still closed with updated sign to middle of Dec 2010.....this still states on the notice about being closed for the safety of the public due to condition of the lane - This lane however, is only closed to motorised vehicles including motorbikes.....horses are permitted - i suspect though, the horses that are permitted must be very small and very light due to the possible danger and condition of the much does the average horse weigh........anywhere from 300kg up nearing 900kg seems to be the interwebs verdict.....

Surely if the condition is so bad, horses should also be restricted from using the lane...??? Could the said horse not trip or slip etc... and injure either itself or rider or both....???

I have not walked either lane, but think i might just to see first hand and obviously take photos and notes.

Anyway, better round this rather long winded post up.....if anyone has any info on these in the meantime (or knows the real reasons why the TROs) greatly appreciated.

Its largely bollocks.

In Forest we had very few lanes and what lanes we did 'av are now shut cuz whining b45tards with nowt else better to do have complained at how it prevents them from enjoying the peace an tranquility of their "estate".

Yup. Bollocks. Especially since, in one case, said whining b45tard, allows shooting on his land.

Oh, hark, I hear the tranquility of lead shot and screaming animals....

Nah...aint bitter lol

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