The cheapest way is to find a scrap yard with a replacement.

If you want to go down the electric fan route thats quite expensive. Most good electric fans will come with their own wiring and a temp gizmo that goes somewhere in the water pipe system, or if it's really clever it will sit on the radiator. The fan should just bolt into the holes left by the viscous fans cowling

I changed the viscous fan for an electric Kenloe fan on my 200TDI
last year.The hardest part was getting the old fan off,once that was
done the kenloe was fairly straight forward.Sits flush with the inside face of the radiator and is secured to the radiator with steel pins that push through the radiator core.Temp sender goes under the top hose.
Cost about £100 or so new but often come up on ebay for a lot less.
Hope this helps.
May be worth taking off your radiator grill & having a look.I have a 1993 300tdi auto & was surprised to find twin electric fans there as well as the viscous fan!Could be that they were fitted by a previous owner,but you never know!mucky`un.
Hey as widget said, do you have air conditioning? These are required for that purpose, if your not sure, i.e. you have the switch but it does not cool e.t.c. could be your out of freon, have a garage check it. Don't think or rely on these to cool your engine, could be expensive in long run!
Yep, you`re right i have air-con. Never had any probs with it.Given our lovley weather it doesnt get used in anger very often,but i do give it a blast now & again just to keep things moving.Also i`m happy to say i`ve not had any overheating probs either,the big test being some pretty long & sometimes steep towing sessions with my off roaders on my twin axle trailer.Have i been lucky?or is it the rugged landy showing its metal..mucky`un.
Mmm interesting, are you saying you have removed your viscous fan and rely soley on the A/C fans to keep your engine cool? If so how the heck to do work as they normally will stay put until you flick the A/C switch, and that is something as you have said is very rare?
yes i have air con
have sorted it now got twin fans from mondao tdi.
then i found a site that gave me all the rest info i needed have a look works great now all in all cost £30

An adjustable capillary thermostat were sourced from RS-Components; RS-Components part# 561-460 , made by Altecnic (part#556501 in manufacturers system), 0-120º Celsius. It looks exactly like what Kenlowe use, but cost £12.50 and not £40 as Kenlowes... It features a probe/sensor being plumbed into top radiator hose This allows you to adjust the temperature which will ignite the relay and make the fan/s start blowing.
No, i hav`nt removed or modified anything.In my first thread entry i was just stating what was under my bonnet in the way of fans,but was not aware at the time that the lekky ones were for the aircon only.Sorry if this led to any confusion!mucky`un.
Gotcha, understood, got the impression you had found someway of getting these to do both jobs, don't ask me how I came to think that, put it down to age? Am interested to know how many different ways people have found to modifying cooling the engine with alternative ways, and improving performance.
Hi again tommin,i think we spoke recently ref:zf autobox probs? owzit goin? I would think where you are you would be more concerned about getting your engine warm rather than cool! I believe normal mods start along the lines of twin kenlow fans & upgrade intercooler such as allard or j e engineering.Good luck with whatever you try.mucky`un.
Thanks, not sure what's round the corner reference any modifications, think I will keep an eye out on the forum for a while longer, never know what might turn up. As for the ZF, only got the Disco back from the garage yesterday, I let them sort it as I needed to change over to winter tyres now (law here). Waz a bit peeved waiting on some parts from the UK (paddocks), took ten days for them to send me one small oil pipe and an exspansion box? I requested an express deilivery via UPS, they took the extra cah from me, but I think they sent it via pigeon? Such is life we live and learn. Anyway the wife is the first to drive it from cold and she just left for work, will find out later how the ZF handled and post the info.

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