
New Member
Had the problems of leaks round the throttle shafts on the DPS pump. The leak looks to have been from the smaller shaft next to the throttle shaft. I have replaced the o rings and re assembled and seem to have been running ok till a few weeks ago when doing a 15 mile run in heavy traffic that there was heavy smell of fuel. When I lifted the bonnet to check the engine I was greeted by the Fuel cutoff valve solenoid had popped its top and was spraying diesel from the top.
I am not sure if this could be caused by either the wire being to taugh and causing it to pull it out of socket . The other though being that I have got someone wrong with the reassembly of the DPS pump top and this has caused the pump to be over pressure and this caused the fuel cut off valve solenoid.
Any Idea's or tip's would be Appreciated
Though I have just replaced it and bled through the dps pump chamber is there any other things to check
Had the problems of leaks round the throttle shafts on the DPS pump. The leak looks to have been from the smaller shaft next to the throttle shaft. I have replaced the o rings and re assembled and seem to have been running ok till a few weeks ago when doing a 15 mile run in heavy traffic that there was heavy smell of fuel. When I lifted the bonnet to check the engine I was greeted by the Fuel cutoff valve solenoid had popped its top and was spraying diesel from the top.
I am not sure if this could be caused by either the wire being to taugh and causing it to pull it out of socket . The other though being that I have got someone wrong with the reassembly of the DPS pump top and this has caused the pump to be over pressure and this caused the fuel cut off valve solenoid.
Any Idea's or tip's would be Appreciated
Though I have just replaced it and bled through the dps pump chamber is there any other things to check

Probably just coincidence, the stop solenoids do fail from time to time.

If the leaks from the spindles start again, the cover will be worn, they are easy to replace too. :)

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