
New Member
Hello everybody, I am just about to become the proud owner of my first series 3 landrover county 2.25 station wagon. Always wanted one since I was a kid. I have driven a lightweight series many years ago so know what is in store for me! However could anybody give me some advice. Is it worth changing a 2.25 (1980) petrol engine for a 2.25 diesel (3 bearing) engine?
No, not really. 2.25 diesel is slower, noisier, and almost as thirsty as your petrol.

If you want to do an upgrade, at least go for a 2.5 N/a, at best go for a 200Di conversion. (200 Tdi from Discovery with the turbo lopped off).

Welcome to the forum by the way, you might want to make a post here before making any more threads; :D

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