
Having a senior moment
Hi folks -

Kai started stripping his 2.25 petrol engine yesterday. It seems that the engine is somewhat siezed so we do not hold out too much hope for keeping it but wanted to strip it just the same.

He has got as far as having the head bolts all removed, and as far as I can see nothing further should be stopping the head from lifting off. However, try as we might the ****er won't shift. He used mallets on it, even a club hammer with a wood block to cushion it but it stays stuck fast.

Now.. I have either misadvised him as we are doing something terribly wrong or there's a knack to seperating the head from the block.

He hsa not removed the cam from the head, but I saw no reason why that should be necessary in order to seperate them.

I know it's kind of vague but any ideas?

rocker shaft you mean not cam ,if all bolts are out plus oil feed pipe at rear ,put bar under front of head and lever on water pump housing
yes I meant the rocker shaft, sorry. Ok that's what I thought but was starting to doubt meself!
When I stripped mine last year, the head was surprisingly hard to shift, and I did what James said, it works a treat. It's not alloy, so is pretty strong. :D
Did Kia get anywhere with this?

If you're following the Haynes I have a vague recollection that not all the bolts are marked in the section on taking the head off, and removing the rocker isn't mentioned at all. The bolts that look like they are holding the rocker onto the head actually go into the block and hold the head on too, so would need to be removed. This plus the banjo oil feed buried at the back had me foxed for a while.
Thanks oxides and JC... tbh I think we had both missed a bolt or three that were still holding it all together... it is all apart now... but looking pretty fooked so on the lookout for a replacement engine methinks.

His work on the project has stalled a little over the last few days though. Turns out that someone was storing asbestos right next to his motor! Consequently he is not allowed anywhere nearthe ****er till it is cleared up properly! (One possed off 12 year old!)
Glad you got the head off in the end. Mine took me days. The PO had used red threadlock on the head bolts. I ended up using a breaker bar and 5' scaffold pole to get the bolts off!
Ta JC.. end result was head off but engine FUBAR

Kai is now hunting for a replacement engine while I look for a second job to pay for it!
Why is is fubar?

Can be rebuilt better and surley worth it as another engine could be dud. Did I not see it run a few years back cant be that fooked if it started and ran back then
You may have a valid point Jai... simply considered that if it is seriously seized then it is likely to be knackered.

Rebuilding it could be serious option. Kai would certainly learn more from rebuilding the existing engine than he would from buying a replacement and dumping it into the chassis.... food for thought!
rebore £120 not that bad
to pu thitnhs into perspective: kai has to be able to move the vehicle by august. The yard that is allowing him to keep thye vehicle there is being compulsorarily purchased for use as a new busway.

I have to save the money for everything that he needs to buy by that time... and I am still partially on benefits : (i am one of those people that clarky hates so much!)

saving £120 is a major undertaking for us.... but as a family we are doing it to try to get a positive result in the end for the boy!
I still can't imagine them being too bad after all it has been covered and it was driven off the trailer or am I mistaken?

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