Seems nice if you've the cash................................. I've never heard of them but Turner are the best known I believe - checked gearing yet?
Slightly cheaper by the looks than Turner. I've used Turner, very efficient service. They used the existing petrol cylinder head. Prices haven't gone up much in the past few years.
has anyone used these guys i have just posted the address on another forum but have not delt with them myself?
I heard good things about the petrol heads however my Diesel engine from them hasn't been a good experience. The cam thrust plate was missing, it's still got no compression despite going back once and it appears to have developed a oil leak from the rear crank area.
But they seem nice on the phone....
I'd still be looking to find out what problem is with your engine before throwing upgrades at it.

It's no good splashing out on a fancy head if your bores are shagged. ...

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