
Started my 1957 series 2 2.0 diesel today. OK at tickover initially but would not rev, almost as if the linkage was broken (it's not - I moved it at the pump end). As I scratched my head the revs started to build up but still independent of the throttle. Got to about 1500rpm I suppose and I stopped it for fear of damage. Now it won't start at all. Any clues please before I start taking things apart unnecessarily?
When was it last run and how did it do ?
About a month ago - seemed fine then. I put some new diesel in at that point - not something I do very often as it doesn't do many miles, so my first suspicion is that I might have stirred up some grolly from the bottom of the tank which has blocked the filter. I would have thought though that pumping the throttle would cause those fluctuating revs that you normally get with blocked fuel systems.
Thanks for replies, looks like that's what I'll have to do. Would be marooned at top of garden in stinging nettle patch beyond reach of air line etc!
What's involved in checking out the lift pump? just making sure it moves diesel from the inlet to the outlet or is a pressure check involved?
Just make sure you have good flow from the pump, there may be a gauze filter in there and if curd has got in it can jam the valves in there.
Now I'm stuck.
I've drained the tank cleaned it and refilled it, cleaned the fuel lines and the filter. Good flow from the filter to the injector pump when I operate the lever on the lift pump. Cleaned the nylon filter on the inlet to the injector pump.
Bled the main bleed point on the 'distributor pump body'. Good squirt of diesel after the air. The other bleed point 'distributor body cover' just a modest drip or two - but some diesel came out. Tried to start it-nothing not even a hint of wanting to fire.
I disconnected the fuel pipe from the one of the injectors - dry
So now I wonder if the injector pump is gunged up. The workshop manual suggests not to touch it but to contact CAV.
Can anyone suggest my next course of action please?
Have you turned it over with an injector pipe loose to allow any air left in system to escape?

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