
Well-Known Member
I cant be sure but I think its effecting the clutch line, its never happened in the ten years the clutch line has been there unless the line has moved slightly.

Is there any reason why exhaust gasses from the turbo exhaust manifold would get excessively hot?

The engine runs fine, it was low on oil but oil doesn't cool the turbo or exhaust gasses, fueling seems fine, timing seems fine, fuel filter is old and needs replacing so I'm wondering if its running a tad lean and getting how that way? Engine temp is fine.

Any ideas or could It just be that the clutch pipe has moved slightly towards the turbo? Turbo doesn't have a heat shield , its never needed one.
First is that oil does cool the turbo some as it lubricates it.What is the effect on the clutch line? Could it be the flexi that is effected? Could be the fluid is being cooked?
When I ran a 19j I felt the shield was needed if only tp prevent the passengers feet from roasting.:)
As per tottot - when using a turbo u should run it on when u stop otherwise the cooling effect of oil is lost and it may boil and Damage the oil and turbo in one. In turn also might boil any other fluids nearby - get P.D. hot! tweaking pump too far may well increase all chamber and exhaust bits....:eek:

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