
New Member
Hello, I have a virtualy brand new 19j exhaust on my land rover 90, and i m gonna put a 200tdi in it with a larger intercooler and slightly tuned, posably with a vnt turbo but i am not sure.
I know that a 19j exhaust would fit but, wouldnt it be to restrictive?
and if it would be to restrictive would a straight trhu exhaust help?
Kind regards, Sytse
alright and what can i do to have a better flow without having to make brackets for a 200tdi exhaust?
Its a discovery engine so the conversion downpipe wil also restrict?
I run my 90/200 with it's original 19j exhaust and have found little difference from later models I have driven, perhaps not quite as much top end but not enough to make me change the system.
Don't recon much difference in mpg,and I do not know the effect of going straight through. cheers.

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