
New Member
I really need serious help here my friends....

Here's the low down in a nutshell.

Last Thur: Battery gets low in fob and starts telling me so, on dash.

Last Sat: I change the battery,(within two minutes) but fob doesn't work and I start using the key manually.

Monday : The fob starts working again by itself but still says 'battery low' on dash.

Wed: Wife calls me, stranded, with engine disabled so, not even knowing what I was doing, after much messing about, one time, I turn key forward in door and hold it there for a while, and when i try the key in the ignition, it works and away we go.
(Looking back on it now, I can't unerstand why or how this worked)

Sat (yesterday,in tesco car park!): I come back from shop, press button to unlock.


I use the key to unlock the car manually, and the dreaded alram 'one beep, sounds.
I try the ignition, and it says 'engine disabled press remote or enter key code'.
I try the same trick as the previous incident with my Wife, and nothing.
I notice there is no red led light on fob when buttons are pressed so I take the battery out, go buy some batteries and replace( for the 2nd time this week). Led's working again, I try the button.


I heavily research online to learn about EKA and turns out that I am in the same boat with many people who have similar problems.

I try all their solutions including EKA many many times, but still no joy.
I try for two hours and end up leaving the car behind.
In these two hours the alarm only beeps once every time I open the door but no continuos alarm ever.
When I go back this morning (Sunday) I try the Eka again, with fresh hopes and on the final turn in the procedure, open the door and the alarm sounds, continuosly for about 2 minutes each time I try EKA.
Plus...every three attempts, the sysem shuts down for half an hour.

Sorry, did I mention it's lashing rain by the way?

I'm stumped.

I have read alot about syncing. Maybe the key has desynced with the car when I took the batteries out?
For 1999 p38's with engine immobiliser you are supposed to just put it in the ignition but this hasnt worked for me.

I also read on a forum that there is a master eka but that does not work either.

Talk about secure! Nice one LandRover

Does anybody have any ideas as to what I can try/do here please?
I want me car back, and my sanity.

Thanks in advance to any help offered......

Nige...confused...annoyed...cold...wet...and in the bad books with Wife for buying the Rangie in the first place and now getting it stranded in Tesco.....:confused:
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it may help if you tell us where you are, some body may be close to give you a hand. try resyncing your key by turning to lock, with lock button prssed. same with open, that should resync your key..
His first ever post
He gets a good, sensible and helpful answer in eight minutes and - nothing!

Ah well
it may help if you tell us where you are, some body may be close to give you a hand. try resyncing your key by turning to lock, with lock button prssed. same with open, that should resync your key..

Sorry, I am in Letterkenny, Donegal, Ireland.
I tried turning the to lock and unlock with pressed button...

Guess what....


I had alot of similar trouble but with a 95 which is slightly different.
However maybe start with door unlocked, disconnect battery in engine bay for 10mins to clear any confusion in the ecus. You will then start with eka input again. Are you doing the 4to the left first, before the eka sequence? when inputting the eka you should see a change in sequence of the red led on the dash. If you don't then maybe the door/key lock is worn or wires off it inside the door, therefore it does not get the sequence.
It sounds like you have lock and your keys need resyncing...
EKA code first, when you get the "magic beep", to say you entered the correct code resync your key before you put it in the ignition.... otherwise you will get lock out again !
It is not uncommon for this model year to go out of becm engine immobiliser sync and the door catch fail and take down the becm too
Every time the eka code is entered wrong it is a 5 min wait and then it doubles each time disconnect the alarm ariel as it can be over sensitive and pick up a rouge signal
If you need your electronic key part fixed theres a company in Stamford Lincs that repairs them for £50. Your contacts may be faulty on the keyfob so worth a try.
Hi new member with same Immobiliser nightmare, I am in west Yorkshire my car is in Spain abandoned in a non Land-rover workshop with out a clue how to solve the problem, my name is Jose need help any one fancy a trip to Galicia Spain to fix it, HELP
Jose, :welcome2:

Have you tried the EKA Code??

When you enter the code do the indicators flash each time a code is entered as this indicates the BeCM has recognised the input??

Do all the doors unlock when you use the key in the door lock?? - If not then it could be the Door Lock Microswitch not giving the signals to the BeCM.

Does the Keyfob work remotely??

Do you have any messages on the Dash similar to KEYCODE LOCKOUT or ENGINE DISABLED or ENTER KEYCODE??

Do you have the Engine MIL light on on the dash after the initial bulb check? - If so, this could indicate a loss of sync between the BeCM and the Engine ECU....what vehicle is it - V8 or Diesel, 4.6 or 4.0, which year??

Do you get the flashing red LED on the fob indicating it works??

In order to resync the BeCM to the Engine ECU you will need a diagnostic machine or the BBS SyncMate tool......if this is indeed found to be the case.

Does it just turn over and over without a hint of starting?? or Do nothing, not even turning over??
Jose, :welcome2:

Have you tried the EKA Code??

When you enter the code do the indicators flash each time a code is entered as this indicates the BeCM has recognised the input??

Do all the doors unlock when you use the key in the door lock?? - If not then it could be the Door Lock Microswitch not giving the signals to the BeCM.

Does the Keyfob work remotely??

Do you have any messages on the Dash similar to KEYCODE LOCKOUT or ENGINE DISABLED or ENTER KEYCODE??

Do you have the Engine MIL light on on the dash after the initial bulb check? - If so, this could indicate a loss of sync between the BeCM and the Engine ECU....what vehicle is it - V8 or Diesel, 4.6 or 4.0, which year??

Do you get the flashing red LED on the fob indicating it works??

In order to resync the BeCM to the Engine ECU you will need a diagnostic machine or the BBS SyncMate tool......if this is indeed found to be the case.

Does it just turn over and over without a hint of starting?? or Do nothing, not even turning over??
Hi thank you for reply
Ok will try to fill in more info:
Have entered EKA loads of times & this time nothing, last time this happened it work t first time & away I went.
When entering code NO indicators flash but it never did on other occasions?
No, the remote does not work remotely.
Yes, lots msgs on dash engine disabled enter key code.
The MIL light ? Don't know that one?
They have changed the batteries on fob.
Its a 1999 2.5 disel VMW engine Auto.
Can I say at this point the car is in a workshop in Northern Spain & it's not a range-rover dealer cos there isn't one so its difficult, I have return to Yorkshire & I am trying to sort it out from here, question can the system be permanently disconnected so the engine runs? I am totally confused?
The first thing you need to do is check you have the correct battery's in, I know you put new ones in but are they the correct type?? lots of battery's will fit... but they wont work because there not the correct ones, look at the ones in your fob and they should have markings on them your looking for this... CR-2025 3v if not get 2 x TYPE CR-2025 3v battery's before you do anything
The EKA code will only work so many times before it locks you out completely.

If the becm has alarmed then the EKA code won't make a difference.
50% of the time the becm will corrupt the EKA code to form 3 numbers & a letter. When this happens you haven't a chance in hell of the EKA working.

Once you've tried everything you can think of & still no joy, send the becm to me & we'll sort it out for you.
Hi Guys ,
I too have a 99 p38 which says keycode lockout it is a 2.5 hse and after changing the battery it wouldnt start . so I got the code from Landrover and instructions on what to do ....nothing and then to ad insult to injury it then locked me out of the vehicle completely and wont even open using the key ???
How did you solve this problem ?
I am in Gloucester if anyone is local and has some ideas ??
hi to all you lads having problems with lockout and e,k,a, and fob problems,, and will give you my number and talk you thru it ... i had 5 out of 5 results last week ,i know cos it happened to me but to sort it is easy you just have to listen and be patient ,,,,cheers mozz:):)
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hi to all you lads having problems with lockout ,,p.m. and will give you my no and talk you thru it ... i had 5 out of 5 results last week ,i know cos it happened to me but to sort it is easy you just have to listen and be patient ,,,,cheers mozz

Hi Mozz,If you have found a foolproof method of entering keycode and resync the fobs, why not do a write up and have it kept in the How to section.:)
Hi Mozz,If you have found a foolproof method of entering keycode and resync the fobs, why not do a write up and have it kept in the How to section.:)

hi john i have already put a post on there earlier today but am in process of writing the script so will post that and everyone can print it off to keep ,,its just a bit long winded to type out but am halfway thru it so should be posted by wensday as im a pensioner and fingers full of arthritus its not easy the meantime they can ring me and it only takes 10 mins if they listen and do it properly ,,,watch out for the post on " how to" as you suggest ,,cheeers and kind regards mozz:):):):)
I will vouch for that ..... Mozz spoke me through my recent problem and it worked fine however I have now replaced the RF Receive to ensure it does not happen again

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