
New Member
Hi Im having a nightmare with my P38 its a 1999 diesel its been great until a week ago the I went up to Scotland I attempted to drive back the Engine disabled message came up I messed about with the key and it cleared, Iv changed the batteries in the keys and also the backing kit. I re synced the keys and it was great for a week, but its Intermittently not recognising the key and disabling the engine is there and way around it (I dont have emergency code) or where do I start lol does ut need to go on a computer? Cheers Phill:behindsofa:
Not sure what your problem could be but ive noticed mine does this if i leave the car for more than 2 mins ie to fill up with fuel without locking it,when i get back in it i have to press the unlock button on the fob once to get it to start otherwise i get the engine immobilised message too....

not much help i know but just thought id post my 2ps worth ;D
The main prob is even when I press the unlock button it doesn't do anything just says engine disabled press key
you can have the immobilizer function disabled but you need someone with t4 , rovacom or similar, i had same prob with mine, if battery went flat i would get keycode lock out and engine disabled messages, since i disabled the function with rovacom iv'e had no problems
Check the car battery is OK, P38's do all sorts of strange things with low battery volts.
:welcome2:hi phill , im in manchester if you p.m. i will give you my no and could meet up with you and i can probably sort it for you . cheers mozz
Sorted !!!!! Thanks to mozz smith top man ..... After trying to sort this all weekend one call to the man and sorted it turned out to be rf receiver messing around took the blue wire off and tryed the code again started first time :) . Thanks again mozz ......
Very late comment on this. I have this problem from time to time and it can be radio interference. It happened at Heathrow once, and after I was towed to the shelter of the A4 embankment out of line of sight of the radar, everything went back to behaving well. RAC man said he had seen it before with P38s at Terminal 1 where you are very close to the radar. Maybe removing the blue wire stops any external radio signal messing with the alarm.
Very late comment on this. I have this problem from time to time and it can be radio interference. It happened at Heathrow once, and after I was towed to the shelter of the A4 embankment out of line of sight of the radar, everything went back to behaving well. RAC man said he had seen it before with P38s at Terminal 1 where you are very close to the radar. Maybe removing the blue wire stops any external radio signal messing with the alarm.
This has been covered many times, you need to update your RF receiver to the MK3 version before it burns your lock motors out.

Many thanks for that. In fact, it has been relatively little trouble, but I will be straight onto eBay in a minute. I am working through sorting out various minor irritations of which this is now top of the list.



Many thanks for that. In fact, it has been relatively little trouble, but I will be straight onto eBay in a minute. I am working through sorting out various minor irritations of which this is now top of the list.


If you buy on Ebay, be very carefull, many unscrupulous vendors are selling old RF receivers in new packaging.
1 Realise I don't know how to identify the Mk 3 version.

2 How is the weather down there? I am driving down to Bergerac next weekend :)
1 Realise I don't know how to identify the Mk 3 version.

2 How is the weather down there? I am driving down to Bergerac next weekend :)
Do a site search on RF receiver, I posted photo's a while back, if you can't find it, I'll look the photo out and post again.

You wouldn't know it from the BBC news, but there have been serious storms and flooding in France. The Atlantic coast took a real battering last night and several areas fron Brittany to the Var have been flooded in the last 3 months.
Unlike the British Brainwashing Corporation, French TV news has had daily live updates on the flooding in the UK:rolleyes:
Here is the photo showing all three types...

There was talk of the 3rd generation one having a green dot sticker on the case, but I'm not sure if this is true or not. They do have green spots on them, but they all might have that!

You can't really see from just looking at the casing, you need to look inside.


I stole it from here.


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If you go on ebay now there's two new RF recievers on there. Search YWY500170. One is 100% genuine as it shows pictures of the inside and the other has the correct box and the seller has perfect feedback so I'd imagine it's genuine. That way you'll save money instead of spending the £280 that Land Rover wants.
If you go on ebay now there's two new RF recievers on there. Search YWY500170. One is 100% genuine as it shows pictures of the inside and the other has the correct box and the seller has perfect feedback so I'd imagine it's genuine. That way you'll save money instead of spending the £280 that Land Rover wants.

Think the one not showing internals is early type in new type box, sticker is wrong, dot is blue - should be green.

Don't buy:cool:
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You have to be a bit careful as people often state "this is the updated model that will cure your battery draining problems" whilst selling you a MK2. It is updated, but it won't cure your battery draining problems!

I think the dealer isn't such a bad idea with this part, at least you know what you're getting. Although I think they're out of stock everywhere at the moment.
You have to be a bit careful as people often state "this is the updated model that will cure your battery draining problems" whilst selling you a MK2. It is updated, but it won't cure your battery draining problems!

I think the dealer isn't such a bad idea with this part, at least you know what you're getting. Although I think they're out of stock everywhere at the moment.
you'll be lucky to find a dealer with this in they stopped supplying them quite a bit back

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