Hi guys my mate has broken his td5 (1999 disco 2) pretty nicely today was driving down the motorway when the temp gauge rocketed so he stopped pretty quickly but it seems to have done some hefty damage.
Was chucking it down when the problem occured which i think delayed his response the top hose blew and coolant all gone.

He got a lift to a landy dealer and bought another hose refilled coolant and started up its running rough on idle and knocking its tits off when rev'd. So RAC brought it home i stuck the block tester on it tested positive for combustion gases in the coolant. Head gasket i'm not worried about not to much of a problem the knocking is worrying me.

From a bit of googling i hear that oil pumps are prone to pulley problems which can lead to a knock. Also heard that in overheating conditions injectors can be knackered.

I did a fault code read on it lots of codes which i have written down but forgot to bring with me this eve. When deleted the only ones to come back were relevant to coolant temp sensor did have a code for fuel temp.

I had the rocker cover off, rockers are all intact and shaft is still bolted down (unlike my 300tdi) ran the engine for 20 secs with no rocker on and plenty of oil got chucked about off the chain and no oil light on dash so hoping oil pressure is good will check properly tomorrow.

Basically looking for any wisdom on possible cause of the knocking as i had very limited time to play this evening. Not got a huge amount of experience with td5s so looking for any help i can get.

Gonna compression and oil pressure test tomorrow then start stripping her down.

Last thing read that your not supposed to skim td5 heads is this true?? Are they also prone to going pourous?? Seems ridiculous that a vehicle with an ally head cannot be skimmed.

cheers and sorry for the mega post
Hi guys my mate has broken his td5 (1999 disco 2) pretty nicely today was driving down the motorway when the temp gauge rocketed so he stopped pretty quickly but it seems to have done some hefty damage.
Was chucking it down when the problem occured which i think delayed his response the top hose blew and coolant all gone.

He got a lift to a landy dealer and bought another hose refilled coolant and started up its running rough on idle and knocking its tits off when rev'd. So RAC brought it home i stuck the block tester on it tested positive for combustion gases in the coolant. Head gasket i'm not worried about not to much of a problem the knocking is worrying me.

From a bit of googling i hear that oil pumps are prone to pulley problems which can lead to a knock. Also heard that in overheating conditions injectors can be knackered.

I did a fault code read on it lots of codes which i have written down but forgot to bring with me this eve. When deleted the only ones to come back were relevant to coolant temp sensor did have a code for fuel temp.

I had the rocker cover off, rockers are all intact and shaft is still bolted down (unlike my 300tdi) ran the engine for 20 secs with no rocker on and plenty of oil got chucked about off the chain and no oil light on dash so hoping oil pressure is good will check properly tomorrow.

Basically looking for any wisdom on possible cause of the knocking as i had very limited time to play this evening. Not got a huge amount of experience with td5s so looking for any help i can get.

Gonna compression and oil pressure test tomorrow then start stripping her down.

Last thing read that your not supposed to skim td5 heads is this true?? Are they also prone to going pourous?? Seems ridiculous that a vehicle with an ally head cannot be skimmed.

cheers and sorry for the mega post

Unfortunately the heads are prone to cracking. A new head is around £1000 to £1300. You would be better of getting a Spanish head if it is the worst case scenario. You can skim the head on a td5 even though land rover say you can't. My own head has been skimmed. TD5 heads will often pass a block test even though they are cracked. My previous head passed 2 tests even though it was cracked. Injector rails are one of the favourites. Mine was cracked on the inlet side causing hose pressurisation under load from the turbo.

I'm hoping your knocking isn't a piston melting which is a common fault on the 300tdi engines.
Well trying to get the glow plugs out at the moment to give her a compression test tried unplugging 1 injector at a time to see if it effected the noise. It made no difference at all which was strange so cannot be fuel or combustion related still knocking like thors hammer what ever.

Listening with a electronic stethoscope sounds very loud at the oil pump end of the engine. After a compression test i think we'll pull the sump and the head to see whats going on.
Fingers crossed its not completely terminal.

glow plus out can't either mine or my mates compression tester connected into the truck though. My crappy sealey one doesn't want to hold pressure so as soon you stop cranking the figure leaks away so can't be very accurate. Had the same probn when testing my transit (the sealey was a total waste of money)
Borrowed a bergen kit from a friend and the adapters are to short to get the gauge connected and still have a chance of getting it off again.

Does anyone know of a good machine shop in wiltshire who could pressure test the entire head not just the cooling side?
M and J are my usual choice but unsure they'll actually test the rail?
Pity td5s only appear to have 4 glow plugs aswell so wouldn't be able to test all cylinders.

There doesn't appear to be any fuel in the oil which is nice. my mate i borrowed the bergen kit from said he's heard of the pre combustion chamber breaking free in the head i'm not sure about that? Make any sense to anyone with td5 experience?

ps cheers for the input ratty :)
Well the outcome is this i haven't done much testing to confirm but i think the head is cracked. Most likely on no 5 because when the head came off there were the valve marks on the piston. When rocking the engine back and forth on a bar with the head off no five piston was not reacting in the same manner as the rest.

Suspected little end turned out to be the big end had spun and fused cranks wrecked and slices of bearing in the sump so the truck is a write off :(

Anyone got any theory's on the cause of said death??
Over heating caused low oil viscosity and killed the big end furthest from the pump?
Failing oil pump?
There was definately combustion gas in the coolant i tested that with a block tester and the fluid changed in 5 pumps instructions said up to 10.
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Anyone got any theory's on the cause of said death??
Over heating caused low oil viscosity and killed the big end furthest from the pump?
Failing oil pump?
There was definately combustion gas in the coolant i tested that with a block tester and the fluid changed in 5 pumps instructions said up to 10.

There is a known issue of the oil pump bolt coming loose so stopping the pump from working. Now sure about the overheat though.

Oil pump bolt was fine nice and tight when i removed it. What sort of tension is there meant to be on the oil pump chain drive?
Seemed a bit slack to me will have to get a manual and have a read.

My mate won't spend that on it by the sounds of things been offered a cheap accident damaged td5 aswell that could make 1 out of just got to get him to cough up some cash.
If i had the money i'd have the crashed one for a project.

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