Righty - here goes.... (have done a thread check)
I'm no spanner monkey so guess how impressed with myself I was when I changed the refurbed starter motor with an OE Bosh yesterday... (I know, it's only 3 bolts and another for the solenoid wires etc,,,)

Trouble is the bloody thing still had probs down the road... so I have to (first find!) the earthing cable to the chassis and check all is well? and yesterday aft down the road in Jerez - I could not even bump start the Landie down a big hill, (new occurence to the problem) after some messing, fiddling with wires . relays (with no real idea or plan here - sorry guys as stated - not a spanner monkey at the mo lol) I had the wife turning the key after a wire / relay / fuse fiddle, the imobiliser beeped up twice, so I reset with the key fob then (on this occasion) she fired straight up...

I know the above diagnosis is at kindest a bit sketchy, any one have any poss ideas? appreciated.

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