
New Member
just changed the steering box on my disco. took it for a test drive,all good. misses takes it out and tells me the steering wheel is upside down when pointing straight ahead. can i take the steering wheel of and flip it around so as to stop her moaning. i did mark the the steering shaft and put the handbrake. but had to release it to get the ball joint into the drop arm, i think thats where i went wrong. my son was lining the spline up with the u.j and i was underneath dragging that box around.f.....k... i say its his fault, and he says i'm an idiot.:fencing:
if you haven't got an airbag in the wheel then its easier. Why not disconect the steering shaft, straightne the wheel and get someone to hold it there, then refit the shaft, making sure that the front wheel haven't turned.

Storm quality response pal lmao
Could the wife not drive , like , doing a headstand ? Then the wheel would be fine may have to rig up some kind of periscope but thats simple enough . That or turn the truck over so the wheel is the right way up and put the axles on what was the roof . This would be a good way to get more mileage out of your disco cos when the boot floor rots out you could simply flip it over and the pristine metal of the roof becomes the floor and the holey floor makes a new sunroof top ....see ? Simple !
funny enough, i did sugest the headstand.hahaha. as for the boot floor, thats already on the way out, (traditional leaky sunroof). and have also put the axle in the other way round as suggested. haven't laughed so much in years.hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhhaahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaha
Surely you can just pop the steering wheel centre off, undo the one nut, turn 180degrees and stick back on :-?
No , no , no ! You are completely missing the point ! Simple fixes on landys cause tears in the time/space

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