hello all,bolted to the nearside jack storage platform,is what I can only describe as a cistern ball,with two outlet points.One has a rubber pipe going to the plenum chamber, while the other doesnt have any pipe on it.the only pipe I can think may have come off it,runs paralell to the bonnet release cable,uder the washer bottle,and then through the bulkhead,and inside the passenger compartment,wher it is long enough to reach the centre door post,but I cant find anything that it connects to. could this be a vacuum pipe,affecting the dodgy tickover,or does the cistern ball thing,only have the one pipe goijg to the plenum chamber.The reason I am asking,is I may have dislodged a vacuu pipe,when unbolting the air filter assembly,in order to cut the old rotten inner wing out.There is no mention of the ball thing in any of the 3 manuals that I have, any help appreciated,Thanks,Phil.