
Hi Guys, please desperatly need your help?
I'm driving along no probs hot or cold, i live in a rural area if i approach slow moving traffic for a while then stop for any reason, Fuel,Air.. Then i have the problem of it not turning over, i know it's hot as the (Kenlowe)rad fans are on, but if i wait 10mins fans don't come on then she'll start. Is it possibly the starter sticking as all the electrics are on but there is no turnover what so ever. Just a bit of a puzzle, was a little embassing the other day when she stopped right in the middle of Looe high st, my A/C was on full blast, moving very very slowly behind a lorry. (Then cut out) single rd & thousands of tourist watching on thinking whys this pratt blocking the whole street:doh:, screaming 15mth little next to me getting hot & pi**ed off with his old man... 10mins later & countless beeps of peoples horns she started. I got out of there pretty quick..

cheers guys

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