
New Member
Stolen overnight on Tuesday 28th May from outside house - Liddington just outside of Swindon. Dark Epsom green colour with a very distinctive bull bar and spotlights, county stickers running alongside, could people keep an eye out for her? Thanks in advance
Sorry to hear .... Any form of security on the truck when it was pinched ?

Could you also post it up on LandyWatch with the piccy too?
for some reason its not allowing me to register on landywatch, just says "an error has occurred" each time I try, will attempt again tomorrow
Couple more photos of the back, forgot to also mention there is a very distinctive dent on the front left wing, and a smaller but deep dent on the front bonnet, thanks!IMG_6288.PNG

It's posted up on both LandyWatch main forum and facebook page now. Thanks the folks that sorted that.

Not sure why its not letting you register. Somebody else registered this morning, so that's very odd indeed....
Thanks very much to everyone that helped, it is greatly appreciated! Yeah I'm not quite sure why it's not working, I'll keep trying however!
Party Monkey, not sure if you got my PM but thanks for notifying me and for your time

Yep, got it thanks, sorry for not replying to you. Hope the contact helps :)

BTW and apols for being OT, there is deffo a problem registering on LandyWatch forum. Another user had same issues and I tried myself and encountered the error..... Have asked the forum admin/boss/guru etc to take a look as, like most things Land Rover, I'm b*ggered if I know what's wrong.
Very sorry to hear whats happened mate, I'll keep a look out in Chippenham and I'll tell my mates in Bath and Calne to keep an eye out too.
CaptainSox and austinwealy, thanks for the help! Still hoping she's around somewhere!

PartyMonkey, cheers for the help, still don't seem able to register, not sure what the problem is from my end, ah well, I'll keep trying!
Gutted for u.
Any news?

Put the word about on geo caching club websites. They wander off the beaten track. It was a geo cacher who found the stripped remains of mine deep in woodlands. That allowed the wheel to really start rolling and shortly after arrests were made. Not what i wanted. But closure in a way.

I hope u get yrs back !!!

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