
New Member
I recently bought and imported to the US a 2.25 diesel Series III. This is my first LR and I am thrilled.

The shippers drained the fuel and as such when it came into port it wouldn't start. Got it home on a flatbed truck and bled the air out of the system. Got it started and it worked great for two days. Then....

I started it and let it warm up. I began driving and made it up a rather steep hill just fine. When I got to the top of the hill though, I could tell there was something a bit off. Drove on for a bit, got up to speed (30pmh) and then on a flat stretch, I was losing speed. Pulled off the road into a nicely placed gravel lot. Drove around the lot a bit and adjusted the hand throttle to no avail. As it was dark outside, abandoned my drive and decided to head home.

Got back on the road, but now my poor landi wouldn't go more than 10mph, that may be generous. When the accelerator is pressed the engine just doesn't respond. It seems fuel isn't getting to the engine, although it does rev up to a certain point. I replaced the fuel filter, it was dirty, but it didn't seem to make a difference.

There isn't even enough power to get up the little hill in my driveway comfortably, had to get a running start when I went for a little test drive after replacing the filter (test drive = going about 100 yards in each direction of the end of the driveway, as the problem persisted).

Blue smoke at startup, which is expected. After it's warmed up...when the accelerator is pressed, blue smoke comes out in spirts. The engine does respond to the pedal.

I've done a little research and come across somewhat similar problems/threads with responses suggesting injectors or the pump may be the problem, maybe the timing?
Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Well, firstly:


first post and asking for help in it? Are you potty or drunk?

If the fuel tank is rusty (and if your filter was dirty it seems to be so):
Get a better, second fuel filter
And have fun cleaning that mess. You will need a new fuel tank.

Welcome, cheers, and let the **** taking begin
you could do a rough check with injectors by removing then and refitting out of the head and observe spray pattern while someone turns engine over,if you mark pump position if it isnt already you can slacken pump bolts and injector pipes and try it different positions,check full accelerator linkage travel it can come loose on pinch bolts

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