
New Member
Hi, I know this is a common thread on here but I just wondered whether anyone had any tips or advice when it comes to insuring a defender (not bought it yet so doesn't have to be a defender but looking on autotrader there doesn't seem to be many series around...) for a first car at 17. I have seen evidence of 17 year old defender owners on here so I'm assuming it is possible to get insurance, but ringing round places like Adrian Flux and Lancaster insurance hasn't got me anywhere so far and NFU said they wouldn't insure me as neither of my parents were insured with them. If anyone could me any help at all it would be great, I'm looking at spending around 4 grand on an early 90's model so assuming it would be classed as a classic car. If not, maybe I'll have to settle for a corsa :(
Good luck with that! Got some preliminary quotes for my son and it's hitting two grand for a Group 1 insured car. It's a joke and I feel sorry for you guys. I hope you find a good deal so you can get a Landy rather than a Corsa ;)
I'm looking for the same thing, I am 17 too. It's a damn pain in the ass. I have a 90 200tdi, but dont think I am going to get it insured. What I am going to do is drive a smaller car (parents car so not crappy corsa /saxo) on a scheme where u can get 1 yr no claims in 10 months or less, so that I can drive my landy next year providing i can get a years no claims. If you get anything reasonable, I would be very greatful if you messaged me with who and how much. Good luck! They should recognise that 17yo that drive landys aren't your chav racers.
It's ridiculous I know! I mean not every 17 year old writes their first car off!

Nope..but statistically they are the group that collects most points for motoring offences unfortunately. Not got a lot to do with writing them off...more the cost of hospital care and such like...
Do it the non-standard way, ask for insurance for the 17 year old as his car and main driver, but that the parents also want to be on the insurance as named drivers ... Nieces insurance dropped from £1800 to £450 on a Pug 207 .. ought to be the same for a Landy .. ;)
I will mitch but I'm not getting my hopes up. Your way seems interesting but I wouldn't have it long before uni if I did that
I was talking to my hubby about Landys and insurance and why so vehicles, can't really speed in it, as such. His reply "they're not worried about you, it's the poor buggers you hit"

Fair point.
Its pretty unfair as in the US a 17 year old can get insured on a brand new Chevrolet Camero SS 6.0 v8 for like $3000- $4000
Paul noone seems to want to insure me for all the money in the money in the world. They have all said you have to be 21 and Storm they should punish you after the crime not before it
Its pretty unfair as in the US a 17 year old can get insured on a brand new Chevrolet Camero SS 6.0 v8 for like $3000- $4000

Or in Somalia where they have no insurance.

The flaw in these arguments is that we are not in the states or somalia.

Which means we probably wont get shot in our beds tonight.
fook orf to the states then. I happen to think the insurers have got it right with yoofs. Make it so expensive that they can't afford it, and keep the braindead ****ed up moronic fookwits off the roads.. :)
Or in Somalia where they have no insurance.

The flaw in these arguments is that we are not in the states or somalia.

Which means we probably wont get shot in our beds tonight.

Yu speak fer yasen, I'll be shooting in me bed, later.. :D :D
i mean the cars nearly a decade older than me for fooks sake!

Oh stop bloody moaning....if you want something bad enough, bloody pay for it and enjoy it. Yes, insurance is a rip off, but if you drive without it and run into my family then your family will be enjoying your life insurance. If you aren't tight enough to avoid that too.

And breathe.
Paul noone seems to want to insure me for all the money in the money in the world. They have all said you have to be 21 and Storm they should punish you after the crime not before it

You're not trying hard enough then.

Don't just sit and use compare the ****in' Meerkat or whatever, walk into town and visit a local Insurance services or broker and get them to do some legwork. As I said, my niece had said same things, and the lowest quote she got was £1800 with £500 excess, till she then asked about putting mum and dad on as named drivers. Immediately insco dropped to half, she shopped around and got a great deal from Post office of all places!

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