
New Member
I am in the process of getting my recently purchased 1983 110 v8 station wagon ready for a long european trip and need some advice. Basically the problem is that the water temp gauge reads hot, almost full defelection, regardless of operating conditions. Temperature climbs to max reading over about 2-3 miles or about 5 to 10 mins idleing.
I think its maybe the gauge at fault but want to be sure.
I dont know much about v8s, but after a run, say 20 miles+, the top hose and top of the radiator are very hot, too hot to touch for long, is this normal? The rad gets progressively, but evenly, cooler towards the bottom and the bottom hose is just warm not hot. There is no classic sign of overheating, no boiling over, nothing more than a very ,very slight hiss from the catch tank cap when removed, no loss of power and the oil temp guage never goes beyound just slightly above half way up the scale at most even when doing 70mph + or idleing in city traffic.
The following have already been renewed as a pre-emptive measure for the trip, temp sensor (twice!), thermostat (working), water pump, radiator, alternator. The vehicle has also had a full service and set up and passed mot on friday.
Any advice would be helpful.



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