
hi guys,

bought 110 V8 3.5 few weeks ago, so im new to V8 engines..
theres probably some prob with thermost or maybe something other..
when driving few km then temperature gauge goes almost to red
or "touching" red area then it drops down to half (normal temp).
can be thermostat faulty ?
if yes then which one to use ? 88c 82c ?
car is 1993 (engine sticker says year 1992) and theres Holley twin carb fitted.

thanxx so much, bRAd
thermostat changed (82c) but problem is same.. (now even goes a bit more to red area, but it drops within 30sec to half).
is there any special instruction for filling radiator / cooling system to avoid air locks ?

txx brad
i think stat was already replaced by previous owner because there was waterproof glue/silicon around.

and iv replaced it by one from paddock (order nr: 602687)
dont remember if it was from britpart..
it will have been from paddocks. just bin it and fit a proper waxstat one , they are only a fiver.

britpart are known as ****part for good reason!
btw what can happen if i remove it completely ?
can damage engine somehow ?
in winter it takes longer time to use heating right ?

didnt know about britpart/****part reputation.. im from Czech Rep. and ordering parts just time to time..
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It is worth trying the engine with no thermostat fitted to see what happens. Definitely try it for testing.

You need to remove the radiator bleed cap and the engine bleed cap and keep filling header tank until coolant flows out of caps. Then run engine with caps off ideally and keep filling.

Basically forcing air up to top and out.

See how It goes without thermostat!
I agree , and when you order one get a waxstat one which are oem.

use lrdirect if you know the part number or ring em

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