
Currently researching my options and considerin one of these




I'm also toying with placing sheet ally chequre plate on the roof rack as a
floor as a next best option to a safari roof by installing a couple of those
rotating vents in the roof at the back. Lashing doofers and some sort of
material between the ally and the galv (or would this be an overkill)

Mainly it would be used for camping equipment so I can empty lots of stuff
from the caravan when we are on the road so the likes of aqua roll, waste
master (all empty), roof box with awning in, possibly the odd jerry can if
we venture off any where remote. Mountain bikes x2 and kids bikes so nothing
mega heavy.

Any thoughts?

Lee D

Anti's - Give them enough rope and they'll be stuck in a ditch with a lot of

On 2006-11-17, Lee_D <newsgroupNOSPAM@NOSPAMlrproject.com> wrote:

> I'm also toying with placing sheet ally chequre plate on the roof rack as a
> floor as a next best option to a safari roof by installing a couple of those
> rotating vents in the roof at the back. Lashing doofers and some sort of
> material between the ally and the galv (or would this be an overkill)

Would chequer-plate not be so heavy as to seriously reduce the load
you can carry before suffering from seriously scary stability on
corners? When I had a Brownchurch heavy-duty roof rack (very good) I
could load it up with all sorts of stuff but cornering became scary
quite quickly.

I'd suggest thin sheets of aluminium, in fact an old landy roof cut up
and rivetted down might do the job quite well. Not sure how heavy
thin ally would be compared to chipboard, especially in the wet.

Blast off and strike the evil Bydo empire!

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