
New Member
Hey guys, long time no speak!

Last time I was on here I was getting really excited about a 90 project that I was planning. Well that fell through, the guy who was selling it did lots of work on it himself and it was too expensive.

Now I'm having new ideas. I want to spend a bit more money and get a usable 110 Hi-cap pickup to replace my L200. Eventually the plan will be to rebuild it, but for now I want it to work. I'm thinking an early 200tdi Defender.

Are Defenders easy to work on? What should I look out for? I used to be really into my Defenders, but I've forgotten most of it now! I know a good chassis and bulkhead are important, but apart from that, what do I need to avoid?
I know someone who jus paid £5000 for a P reg 110 with a really nice pickup body on the back - the result was that it was actually bigger than a 110 Hi Cap. Really nice though.

Yes, LR's are easy to work on, assuming you have some clue as to what you are doing - try to hard and be prepared to have to replace bits.

Be wary of chassis and bulkhead rust, and also engine and gearbox/transmission noise if you can't b aresed working on those bits.

Otherwise, choose one for what YOU want out of it, and do not pay more than it would be worth to you! Simple really!
I'm really not sure where to start. I'm thinking of buying a tdi because the engines are so much better, but the chances are I'll find one in budget that doesn't need any work done yet. I guess I'm buying in the knowledge that one day I'll have to work on the thing! My first Landy was a nightmare. I didn't know what I was doing and bought a 300tdi 90 for £8k. A year later it failed its MOT due to having golf ball sized holes all over the chassis (under the waxoyl). I got £4k for it traded in for a 110 pickup of the same spec! I should have kept that one really, it was a good truck.

I've got an L200 now, which until recently I've had good faith in. It's just developed an issue with the 4x4 system though, and I've spent over £1k trying to fix it! I've had enough, at least Landys are simple!

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