
Hi All,
This is my first project, so I thought I would make it an easy one, and swap out the "candles", sorry headlights for some LED ones.
The main headlight was simply unplug the old ones and plug in the new ones, however, they also had an Angel Eye daylight running light, and that also functioned as an indicator too, so I just needed to grab a feed from the indicators and side lights to get those running too... 5 minute job!!

What I found when I was looking at the wiring was "eccentric" to say the least, so I've managed to wire them in a way that will allow me to upgrade and improve the loom in the future without the need to rewire the lights again.

Pictures below...
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Headlight Upgrade 01.jpg

No lights on:
Headlight Upgrade 02.jpg

Daylight Running Light:
Headlight Upgrade 03.jpg

Headlights on:
Headlight Upgrade 04.jpg
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