
Well-Known Member
My CSW has carpet.

For the massive majority of its life, it will have the rear seats folded up, and all sorts of junk slung in the back.

Carpet is not great in this kind of life.

I was thinking rubber matting. Exmoor trim offers this (for 3 door 110s?) -



I cant really see why it cant go in 5 doors? Sure the seat belts would have to be bolted through it (like they are with the carpet) but other than that?

Or if someone can suggest another option thats not 70 quid plus!?
Why not go to a carpet supplier and get an offcut of industrial carpet, the kind used in hotel reception areas etc and cut a piece to fit your Land Rover. It will protect the floor and stop things rattling/sliding about. You could then leave the existing carpet in place for extra sound insulation and it would not get damaged.

Job done for a tenner.
Stable floor matting? If its good enough for hooves and poo, it should be okay! Plus, if you get some used, you get a whole new fragrance for your Landy :)
Stable floor stuff is probably a winner, thank you.

I want to avoid anything absorbent. I often load up with wood - if its been raining, that then just soaks into the carpet, and then all the windows are misted up the next morning.
Stable matting is excellent, and cheapish. It will also absorb a lot of sound. 17mm thick stuff is dead easy to cut with a stanley/craft knife, 25mm is quite a bit heavier, but will take huge abuse. If you search this site you should see a couple of threads.
Also the rubber matting that goes on the ground in front of large electrical panels. Not very thick (10mm ish) ,but very tough.

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