Stolen this morning between midnight and 6am, from Norton Lees, Sheffield S8.

Land Rover 110
Blue-green with cream roof
Unmodified externally
LH headlamp not working

Just woke up and it was gone, stolen off the street. No broken glass, though the snow might be covering it up. Their foot prints and the tyre tracks are clearly visible.

Sorry to hear about that fella. My parents live on Warminster Road, im sure it is not still in the area but will keep a look out. I was kind of hopeful that the police had caught the gang that were stealing from the Sheffield area (see thread a few down re stolen from Sheffield City Centre). Do you think it could of just been stolen as a snowbound joy ride? What kind of extra security was there on it? We seem to be getting to the point where we need a sub forum for Defenders stolen from Sheffield.
Sorry to hear about your landy. I will keep an eye out for it.
Out of interest did you have any security on it?
No I didn't have anything on it. I always thought it being so old and battered would make it unattractive to thieves. Only had it 5 months. :(

It's funny it going missing when there's heavy snow. makes me wonder if someone just fancied a snowy joyride.

I could see the footprints leading in the snow up to the vehicle, walking round it, and no footprints leading away. There was no broken glass so I guess they forced a lock or one of the sliding windows.
Does seem like it may be for the snow. Maybe used to do other jobs knowing the police can't get to them easily. It may be found in the next few days.
Saying that I know there is a male and a couple of others targeting land rovers in the sheffield area.
It's just so battered and to be honest, I can't see the professional thieves thinking: "Whoa! We'll have that!"
There's a much better nick 110 just down the road, similar age.
It's just so battered and to be honest, I can't see the professional thieves thinking: "Whoa! We'll have that!"
There's a much better nick 110 just down the road, similar age.

Yes, and it's probably got visible security. They may return to take that one, once they have broken and sold yours. Did you try to follow your own wheel tracks to get an idea of where it was heading ? How many different footmarks were round your parking space and what sort of size were they ? Training shoes or work boots ?
The tyre tracks soon got lost amidst the tracks of other cars. There were two sets of prints but the snow made it impossible to tell what sort of footwear. First thing I did, after swearing a lot.
Just heard from the police that they've found him! About a mile from here as the crow flies. It's been recovered to a secure garage. I don't know any more than that. I can sleep soundly now though! :clap2:
Just rang the garage. They haven't examined it properly as the police forensic team need to go over it. However, they said the only obvious damage was to the steering column and ignition assembly.

Of course, the numpties might have driven it with the difflock on and buggered it up, or thrashed it in some other way, but they'd have to thrash pretty hard I imagine, so fingers crossed.

After the forensics, the insurance need to do their bit and then hopefully I'll get 'KEEF' back.
Thanks for all your comments on the thread. I am Mrs blackcarrwoods and was also gutted when Keef was nicked. My initial gut feeling was that it was a couple of kids from the nearby Gleadless Valley (where This is England is filmed, to give you an idea) who got caught in the blizzard and fancied a ride home, and I was right.

I can't quite describe how angry I was. Alright I can: :mil17: Neither of us are materialists but Keef is part of the family.

Now we're thinking about security. Blackcarrwoods is going to get a pedal lock as recommended on here and also showed me this thread about tracking devices as after watching Walt use one on Breaking Bad this seems the way forward to me...

I thought the devise used on Breaking Bad was a GPS unit that they had to recover from the vehicle and download the data of where the vehicle had been? What you need is a GPS real time tracker.