
New Member
Greetings fellow Land Rover fans

Myself and my wife have just returned to the UK after a 15 month trip in southern and eastern Africa in our trusty (shipped from the UK) Defender 300TDi.

We had an excellent trip and learn a vast about about traveling in that area so would like to share this experience/knowledge with fellow Landy fans.

If you are interested check out our new blog and subscribe for weekly updates on the trip or see our Facebook page for the entire trip (links below). Keep an eye out for us on Sunday the 18th at LRO show and say hi if you see us in our blog T-shirts.

To follow the entire trip week by weeK
Subscribe for your CampingAfrica updates at or check out the highlights (and some amazing pictures) on our Facebook page

Minor issue in the middle of no where (Liuwa Plans Zambia)
Interesting that you have alloys in the photo. I thought steels were more common for trips like yours?
Hi- I thought long and hard on tubeless versus tube issue and in the end decided on sticking with the tubeless alloys- ultimately I think this was the right choice for a number of reasons- of the 5 punctures we had I never had to remove the wheel to fix it just stuck in a plug and re-pumped the tyre. Finally got all 5 holes re-vulcanized from the inside in Zimbabwe for the princely sum of $25 ($5 per hole including fitting). I agree that running tubes on alloys may be an issue as the way a lot of places break the bead is with a very large sledge hammer so a slight miss and the alloy is gone.


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