
Well-Known Member
Ah want to put 101 wheels an nice big chunky tyres on me ser3.. anyone dunnitt? if so wots the best tyre size to sit on 'em 101 whels:confused:
aye the ones off a 2b will go on.(are they the ones on ebay at the mo?)

Of course you'll be overgeared so will struggle on some hills. The speedo will be out and you'll have a turning circle something akin to the QE2 - but what does that matter it will look ace

Don't forget to adjust the steeringstops though or you'll eat up those nice chunky tyres on the chassis and bulk head supports when you get in a tight spot offroad. And you might need to chop a little bit off the bottom of the wheel arch at the front (just the corner if you knowwhat I mean). I think only a bit of a shave tho not a big cutout like the oz military things.

Petla 900's are good. I've got them on my one ton. Also the michelin miltary ones are suppose to be good in the sticky stuff.

Cheers chap, thanks a lot for tha information. Your right, im after the e bay ones cos theyre for sale just a few miles up the road from me.. think ill keep the bar grips on fer a bit and see how we go..aint bovvered bout hills an all tha cos worcestershires pretty flat and your right, itll look the MUTTS !!! ill let you know how i go.... are tyres expensive then ?
hmmmm... any idea wot else would look nice on those rims? Ive always run her on normal at's till now when i saw them 101 wheels just up the road.. its too good a chance to miss me thinks....
I'm about to put a set of 235/85 MT's onto FC rims to go on my 109" as they fill out the arch nicely and are pretty much as big as you can go without making too many compromises

The standar FC LR rim is 6.5 inches wide and suits these pretty well. just to confuse matters there are several different versions (3 I think) with slightly different offsets. You can get the rims new from Paddocks also as they wer continued and used for the 130
cheers matey, i dont want to start compromising things too much so i think 238/85 might do nicely,. thanks very much.
out of curiosity, is there anyone out there runnin a ser 3 on 101 wheels? have spoken to the bloke in my garage (landy specialist) who is sceptical about the practicalities. Maybe i'm bein naive but i cant see any problem with 235/85's on. maybe the 900's might be......
900's would look so good but you could always put spacers on the front, so that you would still be able to go round corners
I didnt think of spacers... would that mean that the 900 would fit 'straight' on then... i dont really want to start adjusting things and cutting bits out etc.....your right though, the tyre would certainly set the truck off a treat...
Yes i want them for the clearance and someone earlier suggested cuttin a bit off the wing at the front.. wouldnt be a big drama but me truck is all original so far.... might just whack em on and see first an if the 900's are to much of a pain in the arse to fettle, i'll put somethin more modest on em.....
You could also extend the spring hangers, which would give you more clearance on the wings, i done it with mine it makes it mutch better.
true. think will take new wheels + landy to garage and ask nice man therein to have a fiddle about...otherwise endless disasters beckon....
Just had a look at the old S3 and there is not allot of clearance at the front of the wings, and that's with 750's on.

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