TD5 fueling pump.

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Have you let it run very low on fuel? It sounds like its air locked so try this, turn the key to position two and leave it until the whining noise stops after about 2 or 3 minutes, then turn it off and back on again to position two again and do this 3 or 4 times. Then try to start it without putting your foot near the throttle. Welcome to the landyzone I hope it works.

Thanks for that. the fuel gauge is showing between 1/4 and 1/2 tank. I tried turning the key to 2 until the noise stopped, but I'll try doing what you say and post a reply soon. can this mean there is a problem with the fuel pump? should i fill up before letting the landy drop below 1/2 tank?

I tried the key to position two and left it until the whining stopped, I then turned it off and back on to position 2 for 3 or 4 times. Noise still there, filled tank which made it easier to start, although still requires a bit of accelerator and after a good struggle it will start. Any more ideas?
Change your fuel filter. A clogged one can cause the fuel pump to cavitate which sounds like air in the system. They're cheap as chips and you've got nothing to lose.

As a quick test - remove the drain plug from the fuel filter - put a clean bucket under it and switch the ignition on. Does the fuel pump still sound noisy? If not its a restriction somewhere in the fuel system - if yes your fuel pump is on its way out.

Refit the fuel filter drain plug and tip the bucket full of diesel back into your tank.

Let us know how you get on.
its your internal pump inside the tank mine went couple of years ago put a new pump in noise gone not the easiest job in the world but saves breaking down which it would have done quite common problem.
if i had to change the internal pump again i would go through the tub floor making an insision then when the jobs done put a full size chequer plate on the tub floor

Apologies for taking so long to report back. Not being a mechanic myself, I stuck the landy into my Dad's mates garage for him to look at.

He has resolved the problem with starting it. The glow plugs needed replacing. After several days of road testing and in the workshop hooked up to the computer, It eventually failed while he had it hooked up to the computer while running it at increased revs. He said the fuel pressure dropped away completely, indicating as pat murphy stated earlier on in the thread (internal fuel pump). A new fuel pump was fitted today and he will carry out a few more tests on it this evening and tomorrow morning and hopefully all will be well. He said he spoke with a technician from the garage I purchased it from (David Oldham, Glossop) and the technician stated they had fitted a fuel pressure regulator before selling it to me. This was not mentioned to me, neither was there any word of a problem about fuel issues when I asked the garage. My Mechanic says they possibly fitted this because they suspected a there was a fuel issue. Can anyone add to this or confirm if this could be the case?

Many Thanks to all who have helped me in this post.

I now have side step bars which I am going to fit to the landy when I get it back, might as well start with something a bit less technical.

Can anyone recommend a good workshop manual e.g. Haynes etc.

Many Thanks

In addition to the above, My mechanic went cut an incision in the tub floor and put a full size chequer plate on it when finished. He has also replaced the fuel filter and while he is at it I aksed him to change the oil & oil filter. I normally change my oil every 5,000miles. Should this be ok with the landy? Should I put slick 50 or some other kind of cleaner in too?