Picked up a 1984 ex-military series III (109") last week. She's a bit rough but was cheap and I'm handy enough at fixing stuff.
I'm in Cambridgeshire and bought it from the South Coast. The two front tyres were scary looking so I had them changed before driving it back. The ones that came off were 32years old!
My list from that first drive:
Clutch release bearing (will do the whole kit) - cannot get from 4th into 3rd, 2nd to 3rd requires double declutching. think the clutch just isn't diesngaging fully.
Speedo is all over the place.
Mobile phone holder needed!
Clocks do not illuminate
Seatbelts need sorting out.
4x4 lever (yellow knob) wont move
rear view mirror wont articulate to a position where it points rearwards.
general slop/vagueness in the steering (I'm sure some amount is normal but will check and replace what I can).
Battery strap/clamp missing (big cable ties used to get me home)
Demist lever wont move.
That's the short list, the long list is obviously much longer
Even with these problems it was so much fun to drive! I nearly bought a defender about 10 years ago but moved house and forgot about it for a while, now I know what I was missing!
I'm in Cambridgeshire and bought it from the South Coast. The two front tyres were scary looking so I had them changed before driving it back. The ones that came off were 32years old!
My list from that first drive:
Clutch release bearing (will do the whole kit) - cannot get from 4th into 3rd, 2nd to 3rd requires double declutching. think the clutch just isn't diesngaging fully.
Speedo is all over the place.
Mobile phone holder needed!
Clocks do not illuminate
Seatbelts need sorting out.
4x4 lever (yellow knob) wont move
rear view mirror wont articulate to a position where it points rearwards.
general slop/vagueness in the steering (I'm sure some amount is normal but will check and replace what I can).
Battery strap/clamp missing (big cable ties used to get me home)
Demist lever wont move.
That's the short list, the long list is obviously much longer