Looked at upgraded Intercoolers for D1's and thought I could do it for less than a bespoke brand kit, so onto fleebay I went and purchased a 600x300x75 core double pass one, it had both inlet and outlet 3" bore pipes coming out of one end, of course this made it too long to fit, off to the local engineering firm for som mods, both pipes cut off and blanked and replaced with 2" tubes, another trip to fleebay and purchase a couple of silicone pipes to complete the job.
Total costs were:- £80 for the Intercooler another £80 for the Ali welding mods £20 for the pipe work and some of my time = £180 so quite a saving on the norm

Intercooler fitted just radiator to refit

Comparison old to new

Total costs were:- £80 for the Intercooler another £80 for the Ali welding mods £20 for the pipe work and some of my time = £180 so quite a saving on the norm

Intercooler fitted just radiator to refit

Comparison old to new