Ok so ive done a lot of jobs on the landy using Busters Guides, but i couldnt find one for Gearbox Removal and or Clutch replacement, So inspired by Buster. I decided to return the favour by writing a guide on how i did the gearbox/clutch.
I have never attempted anything like this on any vehicle before, so if ive done somthing stupid, please feel free to chip in and tell me so.
I had the dreaded stiff pedal syndrome that is the symptoms of the ball punching through the clutch fork, so heres how i went about it.
Ok, parts list;
Clutch Kit. £100 - Borg n Beck
HD Clutch fork. £10 - Unknown (britpart probably)
Coolant. - £10
A variety of Jacks, Engine braces, blocks of wood.
A well stocked garage of tools.
A Mate or Two.
I used RAVE as a guide but found it over complicated some things.....
However ive nicked the words from RAVE as theres no point me typing it all again. my words are in BOLD, the rest is RAVE pages
158 - 160.
1. Install vehicle on a ramp. - I dont have one, so i spent the day led on my back.
2. Disconnect battery.
3. Remove gearbox carpet.
4. Remove gear lever and transfer box lever knobs.
5. Remove gear lever cover.
6. Remove nut and washer securing gear lever.
7. Mark gear lever spline setting and remove lever
and gaiter from the splined lower gear lever.
8. Release insulation pad from tunnel cover and
gear levers and remove.
9. Select low range on transfer box lever to prevent
lever from fouling tunnel when removing
I have exmoor trim matting in so it was easier to whip the bolts
10. Remove 3 trim studs and lift up handbrake
11. Remove split pin, clevis pin, washer and
disconnect cable from handbrake lever. Ensure
handbrake is off.
for some reason they dont pull the cable through untill step 37, i did it now while i was there.
At this point i decided that i was going to end up with a pot full of nuts n bolts and not no what goes where, so an idea i saw on "Wheeler Dealers" came to mind.
Get a piece of cardboard, push bolts through and label.
12. Drain cooling system -
I didnt bother i took the top hose off let the small amount of fluid out, and then pointed the hoses upwards. (soo the £10 on coolant i spent was pointless
13. Remove viscous fan unit - Using Landrover expensive tools, pulley restraining tool LRT-12-094 and special spanner LRT-12-093. Or make some things up outta some plate lying around
14. Slacken retaining clip and disconnect radiator
top hose at thermostat housing.
15. Slacken retaining clip and disconnect intake
hose at induction manifold. If EGR system is
fitted, slacken 2 retaining clips and disconnect
intake hose at intercooler.
16. Slacken retaining clip and disconnect hose at
And then take the fan off,
19. Release ties securing gearbox harness to
breather pipes - I just undid the single bolt holding both pipes to back of the engine and pulled them down through.
20. Raise vehicle on ramp - Didnt have one
21. Position a suitable container under transmission
and drain main gearbox and transfer box - Im not sure why you need to do this, i didnt bother, i can only assume it makes it lighter ??
22. Mark front propeller shaft drive flange and
transfer box output flange for reassembly.
23. Remove 4 nuts and disconnect propeller shaft
- I did both props at same time
Havnt got any pics of prop shaft removal, but its a 9/16 spanner, or 14mm in new money.
24. Remove 2 bolts, withdraw clutch slave cylinder
and backing plate from bell housing, and tie
aside. - forgot to take a pic, This is borrowed from Busters - Slave cylinder renewal.
25. Mark rear propeller shaft drive flange and
transmission brake drum for reassembly.
26. Remove 4 nuts, disconnect propeller shaft from
brake drum, and tie aside. (did at same time as front)
27. Remove front pipe from exhaust manifold.
28. Remove intermediate silencer.
Under two nuts on the exhaust brackets, i found it easier to remove the middle exhaust chassi bracket all togeher.
At this point my mate turned up with a new toy so i had to stop for T n Biccy and shout at the neighbourghs.
This thing blasts out 30Watts, it is a Ex-Fire Evacuation Megaphone!
obviously we had to try it out..... and possibly look at a way of mounting it on the landy 
anyway back to bussiness..
29. Temporarily support transmission.
30. Remove nut securing gearbox LH mounting
rubber to chassis crossmember.
31. Remove 4 nuts and bolts securing crossmember
to chassis longitudinals.
32. Remove nut securing transfer box mounting
rubber to RH side of crossmember.
chassis longitudinals, jack chassis sufficiently to
enable removal of crossmember.
32. Remove nut securing transfer box mountin
33. Remove 4 nuts and bolts securing crossmember
to chassis longitudinals.
34. With assistance and using a body jack between
chassis longitudinals, jack chassis sufficiently to
enable removal of crossmember.
35. Remove chasss crossmember.
36. Remove 4 bolts from both sides and remove LH
and RH mounting brackets.
I used an old windup scissor jack from a transit and a block of wood to jack the chassis apart, a few chaps with a rubber mallet and out popped the crossmember
Time to support everything so it doesnt fall on my head, i then cracked all of the bellhousing bolts to ensure i would be able to un do them once id started and it was all abit wobbly.
This was a usefull bit of kit, took the weight of the transfer box from above, and then wound it and the trolley jack down to lower gearbox/Tbox/Engine.
RAVE says use special tool LRT-99-007 which is a cradle that bolts to the gearbox, i found a notched piece of wood worked well.
37. Pull handbrake cable through heel board and tie
aside. - (did this earlier)
38. Remove retaining nut, release clamp, and
disconnect speedometer cable from transfer box.
39. Release speedometer cable from retaining clip
on transfer box.
40. Remove retaining nut and release battery earth
strap from transfer box.
41. Secure manufactured cradle LRT-99-007 to a
suitable hydraulic hoist. (did this earlier using my home made wooden block)
42. Raise hoist and secure to gearbox with 3 bolts in
location provided.
43. Lower hoist sufficiently to allow transfer lever to
clear transmission tunnel aperture.
44. Disconnect differential lock switch and reverse
light connectors.
45. Remove bolt and release earth leads from RH
side of transfer box.
46. Support engine under sump with a jack.
47. Remove 14 bell housing to engine fixings.
48. Withdraw transmission whilst ensuring all
connections to engine and chassis are released.
49. Lower hoist and remove gearbox assembly.
Basically i did all this and couldnt really stop to take a photo, its all fairly straight forward. Just make sure to mark everything up, i.e electrical connectors, nuts bolts etc.
Then we lowered the jacks and engine brace (holding Tbox from above) and inch or two at a time watching the Tbox lever on the Gbox tunnel ITS A TIGHT FIT!!
Eventually we man handled it down to the floor, and dragged it out ITS HEAVY!! two of us carried it 5m into the garage but i wouldnt of wanted to carry it much further!
thats as far as i got today, took 5 hours on my own, with a hand from me dad on the two man bits.
basically now, take old clutch out, refit new, and put all back together in reverse order
Hope this helps someone.
I have never attempted anything like this on any vehicle before, so if ive done somthing stupid, please feel free to chip in and tell me so.
I had the dreaded stiff pedal syndrome that is the symptoms of the ball punching through the clutch fork, so heres how i went about it.
Ok, parts list;
Clutch Kit. £100 - Borg n Beck
HD Clutch fork. £10 - Unknown (britpart probably)
Coolant. - £10
A variety of Jacks, Engine braces, blocks of wood.
A well stocked garage of tools.
A Mate or Two.

I used RAVE as a guide but found it over complicated some things.....
However ive nicked the words from RAVE as theres no point me typing it all again. my words are in BOLD, the rest is RAVE pages
158 - 160.
1. Install vehicle on a ramp. - I dont have one, so i spent the day led on my back.
2. Disconnect battery.
3. Remove gearbox carpet.
4. Remove gear lever and transfer box lever knobs.
5. Remove gear lever cover.
6. Remove nut and washer securing gear lever.
7. Mark gear lever spline setting and remove lever
and gaiter from the splined lower gear lever.
8. Release insulation pad from tunnel cover and
gear levers and remove.
9. Select low range on transfer box lever to prevent
lever from fouling tunnel when removing
I have exmoor trim matting in so it was easier to whip the bolts

10. Remove 3 trim studs and lift up handbrake
11. Remove split pin, clevis pin, washer and
disconnect cable from handbrake lever. Ensure
handbrake is off.
for some reason they dont pull the cable through untill step 37, i did it now while i was there.
At this point i decided that i was going to end up with a pot full of nuts n bolts and not no what goes where, so an idea i saw on "Wheeler Dealers" came to mind.

Get a piece of cardboard, push bolts through and label.

12. Drain cooling system -
I didnt bother i took the top hose off let the small amount of fluid out, and then pointed the hoses upwards. (soo the £10 on coolant i spent was pointless

13. Remove viscous fan unit - Using Landrover expensive tools, pulley restraining tool LRT-12-094 and special spanner LRT-12-093. Or make some things up outta some plate lying around
14. Slacken retaining clip and disconnect radiator
top hose at thermostat housing.
15. Slacken retaining clip and disconnect intake
hose at induction manifold. If EGR system is
fitted, slacken 2 retaining clips and disconnect
intake hose at intercooler.
16. Slacken retaining clip and disconnect hose at

And then take the fan off,

19. Release ties securing gearbox harness to
breather pipes - I just undid the single bolt holding both pipes to back of the engine and pulled them down through.
20. Raise vehicle on ramp - Didnt have one
21. Position a suitable container under transmission
and drain main gearbox and transfer box - Im not sure why you need to do this, i didnt bother, i can only assume it makes it lighter ??
22. Mark front propeller shaft drive flange and
transfer box output flange for reassembly.
23. Remove 4 nuts and disconnect propeller shaft
- I did both props at same time
Havnt got any pics of prop shaft removal, but its a 9/16 spanner, or 14mm in new money.
24. Remove 2 bolts, withdraw clutch slave cylinder
and backing plate from bell housing, and tie
aside. - forgot to take a pic, This is borrowed from Busters - Slave cylinder renewal.

25. Mark rear propeller shaft drive flange and
transmission brake drum for reassembly.
26. Remove 4 nuts, disconnect propeller shaft from
brake drum, and tie aside. (did at same time as front)
27. Remove front pipe from exhaust manifold.
28. Remove intermediate silencer.
Under two nuts on the exhaust brackets, i found it easier to remove the middle exhaust chassi bracket all togeher.

At this point my mate turned up with a new toy so i had to stop for T n Biccy and shout at the neighbourghs.

This thing blasts out 30Watts, it is a Ex-Fire Evacuation Megaphone!
anyway back to bussiness..
29. Temporarily support transmission.
30. Remove nut securing gearbox LH mounting
rubber to chassis crossmember.
31. Remove 4 nuts and bolts securing crossmember
to chassis longitudinals.
32. Remove nut securing transfer box mounting
rubber to RH side of crossmember.
chassis longitudinals, jack chassis sufficiently to
enable removal of crossmember.
32. Remove nut securing transfer box mountin
33. Remove 4 nuts and bolts securing crossmember
to chassis longitudinals.
34. With assistance and using a body jack between
chassis longitudinals, jack chassis sufficiently to
enable removal of crossmember.
35. Remove chasss crossmember.
36. Remove 4 bolts from both sides and remove LH
and RH mounting brackets.

I used an old windup scissor jack from a transit and a block of wood to jack the chassis apart, a few chaps with a rubber mallet and out popped the crossmember
Time to support everything so it doesnt fall on my head, i then cracked all of the bellhousing bolts to ensure i would be able to un do them once id started and it was all abit wobbly.

RAVE says use special tool LRT-99-007 which is a cradle that bolts to the gearbox, i found a notched piece of wood worked well.

37. Pull handbrake cable through heel board and tie
aside. - (did this earlier)
38. Remove retaining nut, release clamp, and
disconnect speedometer cable from transfer box.
39. Release speedometer cable from retaining clip
on transfer box.
40. Remove retaining nut and release battery earth
strap from transfer box.
41. Secure manufactured cradle LRT-99-007 to a
suitable hydraulic hoist. (did this earlier using my home made wooden block)
42. Raise hoist and secure to gearbox with 3 bolts in
location provided.
43. Lower hoist sufficiently to allow transfer lever to
clear transmission tunnel aperture.
44. Disconnect differential lock switch and reverse
light connectors.
45. Remove bolt and release earth leads from RH
side of transfer box.
46. Support engine under sump with a jack.
47. Remove 14 bell housing to engine fixings.
48. Withdraw transmission whilst ensuring all
connections to engine and chassis are released.
49. Lower hoist and remove gearbox assembly.
Basically i did all this and couldnt really stop to take a photo, its all fairly straight forward. Just make sure to mark everything up, i.e electrical connectors, nuts bolts etc.
Then we lowered the jacks and engine brace (holding Tbox from above) and inch or two at a time watching the Tbox lever on the Gbox tunnel ITS A TIGHT FIT!!
Eventually we man handled it down to the floor, and dragged it out ITS HEAVY!! two of us carried it 5m into the garage but i wouldnt of wanted to carry it much further!

thats as far as i got today, took 5 hours on my own, with a hand from me dad on the two man bits.
basically now, take old clutch out, refit new, and put all back together in reverse order
Hope this helps someone.
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