Are all rear callipers equal?

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I am looking for a set of 110 rear brake calipers (STC1269 L/H & STC1268 R/H). I am only familiar with the older defenders does anyone know if these are the same callipers fitted to the tdci later models? There seems to be a lot of the tdci calipers available second hand. I know you can buy the part number listed above new easily enough but what ever I end up with I plan on stripping and fitting stainless pistons to so I might as well save my money and refurnish second hand rather than refurbishing brand new!
Anybody know if a set of 2006 rear callipers are the same part numbers as above (STC1269 L/H & STC1268 R/H). There is a set on ebay for a reasonable price which if they are the same or equivalent I will buy. 2006 look sot be a change over point according to the new replacements which appear to be 1990-2006 for those part numbers.
Also I am getting confused with the rear pad retianing pins as well. I thought the above rear calipers for a 110 used the pin style of retaining with the springs on (STC8576):

However i am looking at some callipers on ebay that are claiming to be the correct part number but are fitted with the 90 style of retaining pin with the metal spring clips and a large split pin:


whereas the ones I am asking about in my previous post, that are from a 2006 110 but I don't have a part number for, use the solid pins I would expect:

Ones with the springs fitted are fronts(bigger pads held by 2 pins & springs 4 piston

Ones with split pins & anti rattle are rears. 2 piston you can use the pin & R clip but not the spring. You should use the clip to stop pads rotating

Now for more fun…. The small brake pad calipers used to be used for fronts on RR classic and early disco.
Ones with the springs fitted are fronts(bigger pads held by 2 pins & springs 4 piston

Ones with split pins & anti rattle are rears. 2 piston you can use the pin & R clip but not the spring. You should use the clip to stop pads rotating

Now for more fun…. The small brake pad calipers used to be used for fronts on RR classic and early disco.
Far be it for me to question your knowedge but I know the dferance between front and rear is the number of pistons ;)

I am looking at the nuances of the rear callipers. The two pictures above show both the split pin and the solid pin retaining method on rear callipers and both LRworkshop (LINK) and RoversNorth (LINK) show both options on the parts diagram with nothing in the description to determine when you would use each one or even if it matters. I definitely have the solid pins on my current rear callipers.
Just to add some more information on why i am asking and what i am trying to achieve in case it helps things. It is also the same reason I was asking about the differences in front hubs on this thread: LINK.

I have recently acquired an '88 station wagon that I plan on putting the rear station wagon body on the back of my current (already rebuilt) 110 and my hardtop body onto this station wagon. The new station wagon needs and extensive rebuild and will require a new chassis and bulkhead. I plan on rebuilding this over the coming years with my son (currently 6 weeks old), but swapping the station wagon body over will be a much quicker endeavour so my 110 is able to carry my new child!

Currently the station wagon does not move under its own power (no clutch hydraulics) and even when pushed or towed does not roll freely and feels like the brakes are binding. Being able to move it would be a big help and having working brakes so it could be towed would be an even bigger help. As I plan to fully rebuild it at some point I am happy to fully rebuild bits now that will benefit the long run even if it is not getting back on the road anytime soon. I have a set of spare front callipers I plan to rebuild with stainless pistons and fit, and I want to do the same disc brake conversion to the rear Salisbury axle I have done on my 110 LINK (option 2). I have had years of trouble free high mileage driving with this conversion so am happy to do it again. I am in the process of trying to round up the required parts and with the Malvern spares day at the weekend thought it would be an excellent opportunity.
I know people change the small 90 front calipers for the larger 110 fronts as they are the same fixing points. So theory would be any calipers could fit on any axle.

Also from 300tdi 110 they made sailsbury disk axles as standard. May be a cheaper option if you can find them
if you can find them
That is the problem, and if you can they are big money. I should be able to get the bits I need for the conversion for a couple of hundred if I can get second hand hubs and callipers. but tracking down the correct callipers second hand is proving more difficult than I remember it from last time!
That is the problem, and if you can they are big money. I should be able to get the bits I need for the conversion for a couple of hundred if I can get second hand hubs and callipers. but tracking down the correct callipers second hand is proving more difficult than I remember it from last time!
Are they not standard 110 calipers ?

Have you any photos of the axle build/conversion I may know what they are
I would speak to the fella at Lof, he was helpful to me when I had a question about my TD5 90 rear calipers, they were 110 calipers.
Are they not standard 110 calipers ?

Have you any photos of the axle build/conversion I may know what they are
Yes they are just standard 110 rear calipers. But I am trying to work out what changed in 2006 to make them different and when you use which style of pins. Although the answer may be nothing and the retainers make no difference.
I usually work on the principle that with the collective knowledge on here not getting an answer to a question like this means I am over thinking it. Not that no one knows.
just use the non split pins with the anti rattle springs. They are harder steel than the split pins which could wear as the pads slide on them directly
just use the non split pins with the anti rattle springs. They are harder steel than the split pins which could wear as the pads slide on them directly
All a little moot anyway as the spares day today did not have either calipers or hubs for the rear. But I got a set of front calipers to rebuild so was not a a complete waste.